Published inCodeXUnit Testing Log4j2 in KotlinWhen unit testing a class, we would usually mock or stub any dependencies required. The conventional approach to unit testing if we logged…Sep 8, 2022Sep 8, 2022
Published inCodeXA Quick Guide To FFmpegFFmpeg is a powerful collection of libraries and tools that allows you to work with media files. You can use it to convert video files…Jun 27, 2022Jun 27, 2022
Published inCodeXHow to import Yahoo Finance data into Google SheetsGoogle Sheets has been my spreadsheet app of choice for tracking my budget and the performance of the stocks in my portfolio. Google sheets…May 26, 202223May 26, 202223
My theory on problem solvingAfter years of solving problems, I have developed my own theory on problems and the problem solving process.Oct 5, 2021Oct 5, 2021
Published inCodeXSlow internet? Tip to improve your Wi-Fi speedYou can boost your Wi-Fi speed by changing a simple setting on your wireless router.Jul 14, 2021Jul 14, 2021
Published inCodeXHow to use YAML AliasesHave you ever had to copy and paste duplicate content in a YAML file and wondered if it is possible to DRY that up? As it turns out, YAML…May 7, 2021May 7, 2021
Published inCodeXAutomating the Elgato Key LightAs video conference calls are now part of my daily life, I decided to investigate how I can look better in front of my webcam. After some…Apr 17, 2021Apr 17, 2021
Published inCodeXUser Session Inactivity Timeout with Rails and DeviseRecently, I have had to implement a feature on a Ruby on Rails application where I had to ensure the user session was expired after a…Mar 15, 20213Mar 15, 20213
Setting up HQ Video playback on WindowsI recently had to setup a new Windows PC, and I realised that the resources for setting up HQ local video playback were all over the place…Feb 4, 2021Feb 4, 2021